Zipporah Hommel interned for Bolton St. Johns in the summer of 2020, and officially joined as a team member in January 2023. She will be working with a range of clients on legislative, policy and budgetary matters in Albany, NY.
Zipporah earned a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Vermont, with a double minor in Economics and Public Communications. While pursuing her degree, Zipporah studied European politics, history, and culture in London. Early in her schooling, Zipporah participated in debate and Model United Nations. Throughout her education she continued to hone her public speaking skills, and developed a passion for politics.
Prior to officially joining the Bolton St. Johns team, Zipporah worked as a social media and marketing intern for the non-profit organization Destination Tomorrow – a grassroots LGBTQ+ agency based out of the South Bronx. As the organization’s first media intern, she developed an internal process for visual media requests and consistent media posts. With her help, Destination Tomorrow had a strong, unified presence across its online platforms to promote community events, maintain funding, and empower the community’s most vulnerable members.